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Socialist Alliance

Australian Socialist Alliance Party

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Australian Socialist Alliance Calls for Socialism

There are alliances of socialists working together around the world. However, the Australian Socialist Alliance is a political party that stands for a democratic society run by and for working people, not the greedy, destructive capitalist elite that now rules. There catch-cry is “We put people and the planet before profit, the millions before the billionaires”.

Since 2001, members of the Australian Socialist Alliance have been active in campaigns for workers’ rights, for women’s rights, against unconventional gas mining and for environmental protection and justice, for civil liberties, justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, for refugees and against racism, for the rights of gays, lesbians, trans and intersex people, for equal marriage rights, and for international solidarity with the oppressed. Socialist Alliance members are recognised leaders in many of these movements.

Internatinal Solidarity

The Australian Socialist Alliance emphasises international solidarity with socialist and progressive movements around the world. It opposes imperialism, war, and militarism, and supports struggles for self-determination, democracy, and social justice globally.

Socialist Alliance Members

Socialist Alliance is made up of people who, like millions of others, are sick of being ruled by the warmongers, racists, union-bashers, and capitalist politicians.

Engaging in a combination of grassroots activism and electoral politics, Socialist Alliance currently has four elected officeholders across Australia, all of whom serve on the local government level.

They are councillors Sarah Hathway (City of Greater Geelong), Rob Pyne (Cairns Region) and Sue Bolton (City of Merri-bek). Sam Wainwright served as a Socialist Alliance councillor on the City of Fremantle until 2021.

Australian Socialist Alliance: Sam Wainwright
Australian Socialist Alliance: Sam Wainwright

Green Left News

Socialist Alliance helps to support the independent progressive newspaper, Green Left, which covers many of the issues and campaigns that Socialist Alliance members are involved in.

Green Left is widely recognised (within and beyond Australia) as one of the most authoritative left-wing weekly English-language sources of news and political analysis in hard copy and on the web.

Green Left carries weekly news and analysis and is essential reading for members and activists engaged in broad left and green debate and discussion across Australia and internationally.

Socialist Alliance strongly encourages members to become a supporter of Green Left (from $5 per month) to ensure the paper’s ongoing viability.

Australian Socialist Alliance Members are encouraged to help distribute Green Left and sell subscriptions.

green left newspaper
Green Left Newspaper

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