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World Socialism 2024

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Global Socialism Meaning

World socialism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for the collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution of goods and services. It involves socialist movements and governments around the world working together in a spirit of international peace and cooperation.

World Socialist Movement

The World Socialist Movement (WSM) founded in 1904, seeks a more utopian outcome. The WSM seeks “a moneyless society based on common ownership of the means of production, production for use and social relations based on cooperative and democratic associations as opposed to bureaucratic hierarchies.”

The World Socialist Movement (WSM) currently consists of companion parties in four countries — the Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB), the World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS), the Socialist Party of Canada (SPC), and the World Socialist Party of India (WSPI) — and socialist groups and individuals in other parts of the world, including several countries in Africa.

World Socialist Movement

World Socialist website

The WSWS is the online publication of the world Trotskyist movement, the International Committee of the Fourth International, and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world. It launched publication in February 1998, and has been publishing continuously for the past 25 years.

World Socialism: Marx and Engels

The origins of world socialism can be traced back to the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century. Their seminal work, The Communist Manifesto, laid out the basic principles of socialism, including the idea that capitalism was inherently exploitative. Therefore the working class should rise up and seize control of the means of production.

Marx and Engels believed that socialism was the inevitable outcome of historical forces, and that it would ultimately lead to a classless society in which everyone had equal access to the fruits of their labour.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, socialism began to spread beyond its origins in Germany and other European countries. Socialists formed political parties and labour unions, and advocated for workers’ rights and social justice.

Marx and Engels
Marx and Engels

World Socialist Countries

World socialism seemed possible as leftists gained traction in countries like Russia, China, and Cuba, where revolutionary movements sought to overthrow capitalist systems and establish socialist governments.

The rise of socialist and communist states in the 20th century was a major development in the history of socialism. Indeed the Soviet Union, led by the Communist Party, became a superpower and a rival to the United States.

Other countries, such as China, Cuba, and Vietnam, also adopted socialist or communist systems. These states faced challenges such as economic stagnation and international isolation, but they also achieved significant social and economic gains. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a turning point in the history of world socialism. However, socialist and communist movements continue to exist and evolve in many parts of the world.

The Decline of World Socialism in the 20th Century

The 20th century saw both the rise and decline of socialism as a political and economic system. While socialist and communist states emerged in many parts of the world, they also faced challenges and criticisms. In the Soviet Union, economic stagnation and political repression led to widespread dissatisfaction and ultimately the collapse of the state.

Other socialist states faced similar challenges, and many countries shifted towards market-based economies and democratic systems. However, socialist and communist movements continue to exist and evolve, with many socialists advocating for a more democratic and decentralised form of socialism.

World Socialism in the 21st Century

Despite setbacks and challenges, socialism continues to be a powerful force in global politics and economics.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in socialism, particularly among younger generations. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including growing income inequality, dissatisfaction with traditional political parties, and the rise of social media and online organising.

Socialist Countries

Some countries, such as Venezuela and Bolivia, have also seen the election of socialist leaders in the 21st century. However, the resurgence of socialism has also faced criticism and challenges, particularly in the United States where it is often portrayed as a threat to individual freedoms and capitalism.

Socialist World Banner

World Socialist Party

The aim of the WSP is to persuade others to become socialist and act for themselves, organising democratically and without leaders, to bring about a new socialist society.

The party is solely concerned with building a movement for socialism. They are not a reformist party with a program of policies to patch up capitalism.

Their aim is to build a movement working towards a socialist society.

The WSP:

  • Publishes literature and state our case wherever and however possible
  • Participates in unions, strikes, etc. and other movements of the working class.
  • Seeks to deepen and better articulate our understanding of the world.
  • Since 1916 the World Socialist Party has:
  • Consistently advocated a fully democratic society based upon co-operation and production for use.
  • Opposed every single war
  • Participated in working class struggles
  • Functioned as a democratic and leaderless organisation

If you want to know more about the World Socialist Party, its ideas and activities, check out their website.

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